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How long does it take to get a power chair, scooter, or custom chair?

What to expect when you are going through the process

If your insurance has changed or will change you must alert our Rehab Department immediately. This can impact your order.

Thank you for choosing Binson's for your medical needs. We look forward to helping you through this process and strive to make it as easy as possible for you. We have created a process timeline to give you a better idea of what is involved. Typically this process can take 3 - 6 months and will vary depending on the funding source.

Stage One

Client Assessment and Equipment Selection

During this initial stage, we will be getting to know you and your needs. We will evaluate and measure you, then discuss the details about your new equipment.

Stage Two


During this stage we will be obtaining all the documentation your insurance or primary payer requires before ordering your equipment. Most insurance companies have a guideline for what is medically necessary and we must obtain documentation meeting those requirements from your doctor and/or therapist to submit the claim for you.

Stage Three


At this part of the process, we will be submitting to your insurance for prior authorization or predetermination for service. Please note, that authorization from your insurance does not guarantee payment.

Stage Four

Equipment Order

Once we have heard back from your insurance or primary payer we will now be able to place the order for your equipment.

Stage Five

Assembly and Delivery

At this part of the process, we will be assembling your equipment and setting up a delivery time.

Stage Six


All is not complete yet. Your insurance cannot be billed until after you signed the paperwork stating you received your equipment. This is the point where we bill your insurance for reimbursement.

Man sitting in Pride power wheelchair

Need to get in touch with us?

For scheduling appointments Email us: here!
For submitting documentation Email us: here!
To reach us by phone Call us at 586.755.2300 ext 4849


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